best dentist near me healthy teeth no cavities

As Easter comes around, so does the truckloads of chocolate treats to indulge in, whether it be Easter bunnies or eggs, there is chocolate everywhere.  So how do you indulge without damaging your teeth.  Here are five dental precautions for healthy teeth during Easter and beyond.

1. Stick with Dark chocolate

Did you know recent studies emerging from England, Japan and the U.S. has shown that dark chocolates help strengthen enamel, ward off tooth decay and can even prevent cavities? 

We all know that sweet treats like lollies are bad for our teeth.   When we eat anything high in sugar, including milk chocolate, the sugar is left to hang around our teeth. The bacteria in our mouths feed on these sugars producing the acidic substance that causes tooth enamel to break down, which leads to risk for tooth decay and cavities in teeth.

However, the compounds found in natural cocoa bean or dark chocolate don’t allow this to occur.  So, the closer the confectionary is to its original state, the better. It is the processing and added sugar content that is bad for your teeth.

2. Don’t graze throughout the day

Indulge in your Easter treats and dark chocolates in one sitting.

Munching on sweets regularly throughout the day is unhealthy for the body and your teeth.    The more frequently you eat throughout the day, the longer your tooth enamel is being exposed to cavity-causing acids in the mouth.

You can help scour some of the plaque off your teeth by eating a crunchy food like an apple or carrot, but be aware that fruits also contain sugar, so don’t be snacking on them all day either.

3. Rinse your mouth with water

Plain water helps saliva neutralise the acidity in your mouth.  So, remember to rinse your mouth with water after eating a sweet treat.

Beware of brushing immediately after eating a starchy or sugary snack.  Your tooth enamel is softer while it is under attack from the acids in your mouth.  So, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water first, then wait a bit to allow your teeth enamel to harden before brushing your teeth.

4. Drink plenty of plain water regularly

If you have a chronic dry mouth, you are at a higher risk for cavities.  This is because your saliva (or lack of) can’t do its job properly if your mouth is dry.

If there is no medical condition, lack of proper hydration can cause a dry mouth.  Drinking plenty of water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration, will help relieve a dry mouth.  Limit drinking fizzy drinks which can harm your teeth health and stick to drinking water.

5. Practice good oral hygiene

Nothing beats good oral hygiene, so be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day.  Always brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush.  Also, brush your teeth gently, as being too hard can scour away your tooth enamel and/or damage your gums. 

Always go to bed with cleanly brushed and flossed teeth to avoid leaving your teeth in a damaging acidic environment all night long.

Easter festivities can sometimes lead to over-indulgence of sweets.  If by any chance this is the case for you, you may want to make a dental appointment for dental check-up and teeth clean of any dental plaque build-up.  A thorough examination of your teeth and those of your family, especially children for any decay that might be developing is super important to avoid teeth and gum disease.

dental hygiene dentist plaque removal

Call us at East Ringwood Dental Clinic today on (03) 9870 8243 to book your post Easter check-up and clean and enjoy a guilt free Easter.


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