COVID-19 Dental Care Restrictions Update for Melbourne Dental Patients

As of 28th September 2020, dental services restrictions have been eased in metropolitan Melbourne, including the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

Metropolitan Melbourne dentists can recommence all dental treatments for patients (with no epidemiological or clinical risk factors for COVID-19 infection transmission) in accordance with ADA Level 1 dental restriction guidelines.

What Does it mean for Dental Patients?

At East Ringwood Dental Clinic we are delighted to announce that dental services are back to ‘business as usual’, with the exception that we are unable to treat anyone who is COVID-19 positive, exhibiting any COVID-19 clinical symptoms or who have been in close contact with anyone with COVID-19.

Dentists are also required to assess the COVID-19 risk for each patient prior to any dental treatment using the clinical and epidemiological risk factors detailed below.

Clinical risk factors

  • Fever >= 37.5 or history of fever (night sweats, chills)
  • Acute respiratory infection (i.e. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat)
  • Loss of smell
  • Loss of taste

Epidemiological risk factors

  • Close contact with a confirmed or probable case in the past 14 days
  • International travel in the past 14 days
  • Healthcare, aged or residential aged care workers and staff with direct patient contact
  • People who have lived in or travelled through a geographically localised area with elevated risk of community transmission, as defined by public health authorities
Keeping Safe at Dental Clinics

When you contact the dental clinic, our staff will ask you a number of screening questions per current COVID-19 guidelines:

  • Have you returned from overseas in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19?
  • Have you or anyone in your household been experiencing any respiratory or flu like symptoms in the past 14 days?
  • Are you a healthcare, aged or residential aged care worker with direct patient contact?

If you answered YES to the above questions, you are advised to contact the COVID-19 24-hour hotline on 1800 675 398, your GP or emergency department to arrange for testing and appropriate care prior to seeking dental treatment. 

We remain committed to the safety of our dental patients and dental staff as a priority.  We thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

If you need further information about Level 1 dental treatments or wish to book an appointment, please call 03 9870 8243.

Thank you for your continued support in these challenging times.  Stay safe and take care.

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